28 novembro 2008

Ainda a propósito da posta anterior, coloca-se a dúvida de saber se existe alguma visão global sobre o que se quer prosseguir com determinadas regras e práticas judiciárias. Noutros sítios, decerto por falta de uma forte e sólida cultura jurídica, ingenuamente prosseguem essa discussão. Um exemplo:

«This view understands at least a significant number of the rules of evidence as designed to protect as a truth-finding, and thereby dispute resolving, forum by imposing educative restraints and disciplinary sanctions upon litigants who would otherwise deprive the tribunal of the best, reasonably available evidence in a given issue. Although these measures may or may not be maximally conducive to the ascertainment of truh in the instant case, it is contemplated and hoped that their imposition will contribute in the long run not only to accurate fact-finding but also to a deserved public respect for the legal system».


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